Saint #1

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Saint #2

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Saint #3

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Saint #4

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Saint #5

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Name: Jake Barker

Race: Adaptable O-tier

Abilities: Super strength, Flight, Near Invulnerability, Teleportation, Eyes of Truth

Affiliation: After Realm

History: From a young age, Jake Barker always knew that he wanted to do good in the world. Early into adulthood he plunged into the world of crime-fighting and made a name for himself as a costumed vigilante.” He made his mark in his home city of Sprymouth by taking down countless crooks through a combination of natural athleticism, grueling training, and innovative gadgets. One night, after following a lead on a missing girl, Jake found himself at a construction warehouse, up against some of the most notorious criminals in the city. He found himself face-to-face with a drug lord. . Luckily for Jake, he came prepared for the worst…so he thought. After a crippling turn of events that caught the hero completely off guard, he found ut the hard way that he was but a man, as he faced a brutally bloody and unforeseen demise that night. When Jake opened his eyes, he was amazed to find that he was not dead. Instead, he was in an unfathomable place known as the After Realm. There he met a towering figure that he coined “Judge”, who granted him incredible powers and sent him back to Earth to continue his journey against injustice. Now equipped with such abilities as flight, super strength and speed, invulnerability, teleportation, and the “Eyes of Truth”, Jake made his debut as the world’s first and only superhero, Saint. As Saint, Jake works as an agent of the After Realm in an attempt to bring peace and justice to the world and help re-establish the Balance.


Name: n/a

Race: Timeless Entity

Abilities: Super strength, Flight, Near Invulnerability, Teleportation, Eyes of Truth

Affiliation: Saint

History: “I am not God. I am not a god. Nor am I a creator or a destroyer. I am simply the one who maintains The Balance.” Judge is a timeless entity who has existed beyond the beginning of time as we know it. His existence outlives that of the universe, for he resides in the After Realm. Within the After Realm, Judge watches over the realm of creation ensuring no evil forces are able to claim the Earth and the many planets like it.


Name: Travis Homes

Race: Human

Abilities: Super strength, Super speed, Invulnerability, Permeability, Possession, Flight

Affiliation: Spirit Army

History: Travis Homes is an ex-military personnel who suffers from severe PTSD after serving in Afghanistan. During his active duty, he was administered experimental super steroids that give him immediate enhanced abilities. The drugs are extremely addictive and wear off quickly, hence his alias “Hourglass”, for he becomes a ticking time bomb while under the influence. The drugs are so strong that he can go toe-to-toe with Saint after taking a large dose, but the drawback is the severe side effects, which includes loss of motor control, sluggishness, and overall intoxication. Travis gets locked up in prison after a battle with Saint, only to be broken out by the man who put him away.


Name: Christopher Grey

Race: Human

Abilities: Peak human strength, Peak human athleticism and speed, Highly skilled martial artist and marksman, Detective skills Highly skilled equestrian, Super strength, speed, invulnerability, flight, permeability, possession

Affiliation: Spirit Army

History: Christopher Grey battles alongside Jake Barker as a vigilante in the city of Sprymouth, under the alias of “Cardinal Justice”. He highly contrasts Jake’s personality and fighting style, as he often boasts obnoxiously, smokes cigarettes, and takes grave risks while in battle. As Cardinal Justice, he rides a motorcycle named “Slow Horse”, which is named after his late horse of the same name (“the fastest horse alive”).


Joshua Dunbar

Writing Team:

Joshua Dunbar


Joshua Dunbar

Art Team:


Ayodeji Afolabi


Ayodeji Afolabi


Joshua Dunbar


Jake Barker always wanted to be a superhero. Acting as a vigilante for years, one day he finally got his wish… Too bad he had to die for it. As the world's first superhero, he's finding that his new life is not all that it's cracked up to be. Now out for vengeance, will his abilities be enough, or will vengeance find him first?