Operation: Nitro

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The Alpha #2

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The Alpha #3

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The Alpha #1

Digital: $2.99

The Alpha #4

Digital: $3.99


Name: Jason Perez

Alias: The Prototype, A Hero of New York

Race: Adaptable A-Tier

Abilities: Flight, Extreme Heightened Senses., Invulnerability, Healing factor, Super Strength and Speed, Limitbreaker Transformation (Rage Mode)

Weaknesses: Byzantium, Blunt Force Trauma

Affiliation: The Four

Appearances:: Broken Realities, Operation Nitro, The Emerald Coyote, The Alpha,

History: Jason was abducted by a secret organization called The Corp. His DNA was genetically altered and modified to create the very first successful lab tested "super-being" i.e. The Prototype with the goal of reshaping humanity. Jason along with three others became a notoriously dangerous mercenary group called The Four who for a certain amount of time has worked for The Corp. He took on the role of leader in the group (The Alpha). Due to unpredicted circumstances and a terrible accident The Four have disappeared from the public image and the control of The Corp for years (including The Alpha). He has lived in hiding under his normal name and has vowed to never become The Alpha again until a set of particular circumstances occurs.


Joel Montero

Writing Team:

Joel Montero

Art Team:


Joel Montero


Joel Montero


Joel Montero


What’s it like to live in the world where a genetically enhanced superhuman race is taking over? You get The Alpha Series. Jason Perez i.e. The Alpha was abducted by a secret organization referred as The Corp. His DNA was genetically altered and modified to create the very first successful lab tested "super-being" i.e. The Prototype with the goal of reshaping humanity. In the first volume of The Alpha Series, also referred to as "The Prototype Trilogy," Jason was forced to come out his hiatus when a familiar ghost of his past threatens to destroy NYC and uncover the secrets of the conspiracy leading to "The Reign of The Superhumans."